Narava, prijaznost in čuječnost za vse
Narava, prijaznost in čuječnost za vse
Blog predstavlja povzetek in vtise s srečanj in delavnic, ki smo jih izvedli v okviru projekta udejstvovanja mladih "Narava, prijaznost in čuječnost za vse". Potekal je od junija 2022 do junija 2024 v sklopu rednih mesečnih dogodkov ter šestih večjih samostojnih dogodkov.
Izvedli smo ga v sodelovanju z lokalno OŠ Dramlje, kjer smo izvajali delavnice za zadnje razrede OŠ ter na prostorih zavoda Sobivanje ob gozdu, kjer so se nam pridružili mladi in starejši iz bližjih lokalnih in širšega sloveskega prostora.
Projekt je bil sofinanciran s strani nacionalne agencije Movit in Evropske solidarnostne enote. Vsebina bloga ne odraža mnenja in stališča EU ter Movita.
V vašem lokalnem območju poskusite najti malo prostora, kjer različne stvari rastejo skupaj. Če na drevo gledate kot na en sam element vaše osredotočenosti, kaj je še okoli njega? Poskusite si ogledati vzorec njegove rasti, tla pod njo, sosednje rastline, sonce in senčna območja. To so samo primeri, ki jih lahko opazite. Poiščite nekaj značilnosti tega področja. Kakšen je občutek biti na tem mestu? Kakšno povezavo lahko začutite do narave tukaj? Bi radi nekaj spremenili ali pustili vse tako, kot je? S tem v mislih se lahko poigrate z idejo oblikovanja določenega elementa ali kraja okoli sebe, pa naj bo to celotna pokrajina ali majhen del.
Recept za poenostavljen kimchi
Sveža sezonska zelenjava (zelje, listi borokolija, cvetače, ohrovta)
Zelenjavo narežemo na majhne koščke, jo damo v veliko posodo in stentammo. Nato jo dobro "premasiramo" in dodo 2 procenta soli: na 1 kg zelenjave torej 20g soli. Vse skupaj pustimo stati poi sogni temperatura v velikem kozarcu, ki ga vsakdan potlačimo tako, da zrak iz kozarca pride ven. Kozarec pokrijemo s krpico in ga po tednu damo v hladilnik, kjer lahko počasi fermentira. Dlje kot je v hladilniku, močneje bo fermentiral, zelenjava tako ostane dobr še nekaj mesecev.
Pa dober tek :)
Naravna kozmetika
Želim si boljše skupnosti v razredu. Ta bi pomagala preprečevati izolacijo, nasilje in občutke preobremenitve, ki so vsepogostejši v višjih razredih.
Rad bi videl, da bi ljudje bolj skrbeli drug za drugega.
Denarja ne bi smeli zapravljati za stvari, ki jih uporabljamo samo enkrat ali dvakrat. Namesto tega bi morali te stvari deliti in več darovati.
Ljudje in narava smo povezani, to si moramo zapomniti.
Ustvariti moramo več prostorov, kjer ljudje niso sami. To bi pomagalo ljudem z duševnimi motnjami in lajšalo stres. Še posebej je to dragoceno za ljudi, ki živijo sami in nimajo toliko stikov.”
Moralo bi biti normalno, da stvari dobimo iz druge roke.
Na nekaterih mestih so mi zelo všeč skupne knjižne police. Morale bi biti povsod!
Zaskrbljen sem zaradi onesnaževanja okolja. Vendar nimam veliko idej, kaj storiti. Moralo bi biti lažje prispevati k rešitvi.
Veliko je pritiska, da moramo uspeti v šoli. Iskreno, tega je preveč. Namesto tega bi se morali naučiti več o tem, kako biti srečni in dobri ljudje.
Mnogi od nas se ne naučijo dobro osebno komunicirati, ker smo toliko na telefonu. To je resnična težava in potrebujemo pomoč.
Mislim, da bi bilo lepo imeti "mačje kavarne", ki so tudi zavetišča za mačke. To je lepo tako za ljudi kot za živali.
Alkohol bi moral biti zelo drag in omejen.
Vsi imejmo več sočutja drug do drugega.
Samostojnim delavnicam je sledilo šest samostojnih dogodkov.
Projekt "CARE"
Mladi so izrazili svoja stališča, tudi do "odločevalcev" in v svojih praktičnih projektih (projekti CARE). Tako so izkusili, kako lahko naredijo spremembo in pozitivno vplivajo na svojo okolico. Vsi projekti "CARE" so bili lokalni projekti, ki so podpirali mlade, da bi videli kako lahko sami pomagajo k spremembam v okolici.
Trije projekti, ki so jih začeli, so bili:
Poletni solsticij in spomladansko enakonočje
Na sredini in koncu projekta smo gostili dialog, na katerega je bilo povabljenih 30 udeležencev iz prejšnjih delavnic. Srečali so se z odločevalci in voditeljem šole ter skupaj razpravljali o idejah in novih ukrepih. Cilj je bil prisluhniti številnim mladim glasovom, ustvariti sinergije med strokovnjaki in mladimi ter spodbujati nove projekte in pobude.
Rezultat tega je tudi zbirka MOSAIK, ki vsebuje ideje in mnenja mladih za positive spremembe v družbi in šoli.
Vikend zelenih veščin in dan Zemlje
Da bi se naučili zelenih veščin, jih uporabili ter razumeli, da je naše okolje vredno zaščititi smo šli v lokalno šolo za dan Zemlje in preživeli dan s šolarji (starimi od 13 do 14 let).
Sodelovali smo v različnih dejavnostih, od sajenja zelišč in urejanja vrtne grede do spoznavanja divje hrane in pridelavi jedi iz sezonskih dobrot. Mladi so spoznali tudi osnovne principe permakulture in trajnostnega načina bivanja.
Nature, kindness and mindfulness for allThe blog presents a summary and impressions from the meetings and workshops that we have carried out as part of the youth engagement project "Nature, Kindness and Mindfulness for All". It ran from June 2022 to June 2024 as part of regular monthly events as well as six major standalone events. It was carried out in cooperation with the local Elementary School, where we conducted workshops for the last grades of elementary school, and on the premises of the Sobivanje pri gozdu institute, where we were joined by young and older people from the nearby local and wider Slovenian area. The project was co-funded by the National Agency Movit and the European Solidarity Corps. The content of the blog does not reflect the opinion and position of the EU and Movit.The events were divided into three sections: Nature, Kindness and Mindfulness.NATUREA series of workshops on the topic of nature was carried out in connection with the following topics:Fermentation Forest GardenBaking bread with yeastFarm and permaculture spaceNatural cosmeticsConnecting with nature: feel yourself, feel natureBelow are pictures from the events, short descriptions, and some recipes for you to try at home.Connecting with natureNone of us can deny the pleasurable sensations that nature hikes bring, from the deep sense of relaxation we feel in nature, to the silence that allows us to refocus and the lush greenery that invigorates us. Nowadays, "forest bathing" has even become a science in itself. Whether your nearest natural space is a forest or a park, the fact that you can connect with a green landscape seems to be undeniably good for the soul. We've spent some time on the mindful walk: from focusing on the breath as we walk, to taking note of specific patterns and sounds as we move forward, consciously moving and focusing our attention, being fully present with our experience. And the beauty is that we can return to these mindful practices at any time and plunge back into the peaceful state in which we were previously anchored.Experiential exercise: Allow yourself to immerse yourself in a thoughtful experience of nature. Ideally, visit a nearby forest or nature that is as untouched as you can find it. Step by step, as you walk, shift your attention to each of your senses: Gaze: What color spectrum can you witness? What patterns do you observe? Where can you find light, and how does it visually play with the spaces it encounters? Smell: What smells do you encounter when you walk around? Spend a few moments consciously smelling the plants and elements you encounter on the hike, from flowers to moss to tree sap. Touch: Explore what all your fingers can feel, touch plants and soil, wherever they call you, connect haptically with your surroundings. Appreciate every texture you can experience, observe how it feels and how unique it is to you.Forest GardenExperiential exercise: Try to find a little space in your local area where different things grow together. If you look at the tree as a single element of your focus, what else is around it? Try to look at the pattern of its growth, the soil underneath, neighboring plants, the sun, and shady areas. These are just examples that you can notice. Look for some of the characteristics of this area. How does it feel to be in this place? What kind of connection can you feel to nature here? Would you like to change something or leave everything as it is? With this in mind, you can play with the idea of designing a certain element or place around you, be it an entire landscape or a small part.FermentationSimplified kimchi recipeFresh seasonal vegetables (cabbage, borccoli leaves, cauliflower, kale), carrot, onion, garlicCut the vegetable into small pieces, put them in a large container and press. Then "massage" it well and add 2 percent salt: 20 g of salt per 1 kg of vegetables. Let everything stand at the temperature in a large glass, which is pressed every day so that the air in the glass comes out. Cover the glass with a cloth and put it in the refrigerator after a week, where it can ferment slowly. The longer it is in the refrigerator, the more strongly it will ferment, so the vegetables remain good for several more months. Bon appetit :)Natural cosmeticsGalen cream - Beeswax (20%) + Oil (60%)+ water (20%) = Galen creamOil phase: cold-pressed oils/macerates (e.g. calendula, immortelle)Macerate = plant extract soaked in oil, Water phase (hydrolates, distilled water, teas)Hydrolate: flavoured water obtained by distillingMeasure how much oil is there (in case the herb is not yet separated from the oil, strain the oil through a strainer into a bowl and measure how much is there). When you know the amount of oil, divide the given amount by 62, and thereby get the number X. X is then multiplied by 18 to get the amount of wax and by 20 for the amount of water. Then make a steam bath in which you slowly melt the wax over very low heat, gradually add the oil and in the meantime STIR ALL THE TIME. When the wax is melted, cool the mixture and gradually begin to add the water phase (hydrolate). Stir all the time and when you have a nice creamy mixture, pour it into glasses. Store the cream in the refrigerator for a longer shelf life, or at room temperature for a shorter shelf life.Baking bread with yeastSourdough breadWhat: Sourdough is a mixture of water and flour on which, after a while, 'wild' yeasts settle, which are present in the environment where we place the container with flour and water. This mixture can be used in dough for baking bread. This way, one can bake bread without using purchased yeast.Why: It is a way of baking bread that developed early in history (historical sources say that it originated in ancient Egypt) and was in use until the advent of 'instant' yeast. Bread baked with sourdough rises more slowly than regular bread, but in this way it is much easier to digest for our body. In the process of emergence, wild yeasts have already begun to break down carbohydrates from the flour, and in addition, several nutrients and minerals are present in the bread itself. The process of preparation takes longer, but it is precisely this that allows many different aromas and flavors.How: Only 3 ingredients are needed to make delicious bread: water, flour, and salt; on top of that, you may also benefit from inspiration, experience and knowledge. All this is the base for a good loaf. The shape and taste depends on a lot of factors (temperature/time/rising/type of flour/activity), so that each bread baked in this way is different from the previous one. Remember that it needs care, for baking with sourdough means to care for a living being. This is because the microorganisms are very active and they can, with proper care, live longer than a human. Therefore, this method of baking is also a kind of art. And every loaf of bread is the result of all the factors that the baker pays attention to. There are simple and detailed baking instructions, but it depends on each baker separately which recipe is right for them. In the beginning, following more detailed instructions may be easier for the baking itself, but later everyone can find the way that suits them best.Basic recipe: 1 kg of flour (you can only work with white flour, but for the process itself it is easier if you use a part whole grain/semi-white/rye...), 700-800 g of water (depending on the flour and how much water it absorbs), 150-200 g starter.Simple instructions: Once your sourdough starter is developed, use it when it is very active. The easiest way to see it is by the fact that the bubbles are very developed, and the easiest way to achieve this is to feed it for a few hours before you knead. In a bowl, mix flour, water and salt. Then add, depending on your amount of flour, 15-20% sourdough. Let it rise for 8-12 hours and bake it in a preheated oven. Before you put the bread in, moisten the oven (you can put a pot of water in to create steam) and bake at approx. 250 C. After 20 min., remove the water and wait until the bread is done.Preparation and care of sourdough/starter/yeast: Mix in the same amount of flour (it is best to use whole wheat or rye) and put the water in a glass a jar covered with gauze. Then your task for the next 3 days is to just stir it every day. After three days, feed your mixture. Feeding is always carried out according to the same procedure: Mix the same amount of starter, flour and water (e.g. 100 g sourdough/100 g flour/100 g water) together. It is necessary to re-feed and mix your sourdough every day. Sometime after 5-7 days it is ready for baking bread. At this point, your sourdough is active and, if you want to preserve it, feed according to the procedure described above every 2 days, if you keep it at room temperature. However, you can put it in the refrigerator, where it will stay fine for 1-2 weeks. Then, before baking, you take the jar out of the refrigerator, warm it to room temperature, feed it at least once and then it's ready for baking.
KINDNESSThe set of workshops on the topic of kindness included a series of individual workshops for pupils from the upper grades of primary school. This was done through watching various videos, group reflexes and discussions on the topic, and the subsequent implementation of independent group projects.This was joined by the Random Acts of Kindness and Gift Economy events, which we carried out independently for a wider audience. The content from some of the Kindness workshops is presented in the mosaic of opinions and topics addressed by the students of the last three grades. Below are some of their opinions and reflections:We need to be kinder and more respectful of each other. We are all equal.I feel bad for people in need and I don't know how to help them.We connect best with each other and with the teachers through the game. Whether it's board games, sports games, or learning games. We want more play at school, because that way we can learn more about our classmates and be able to connect better.I want a better community in the classroom. This would help prevent the isolation, violence and feelings of overwhelm that are prevalent in the upper classes.I'd like to see people care more about each other.We shouldn't be wasting money on things that we only use once or twice. Instead, we should share these things and donate more.People and nature are connected, we need to remember that.We need to create more spaces where people are not alone. This would help people with mental disorders and relieve stress. This is especially valuable for people who live alone and don't have as much contact.It should be normal for us to get things second-hand.I really like the shared bookshelves in some places. They should be everywhere!I am concerned about environmental pollution. But I don't have many ideas what to do. It should be easier to contribute to the solution.There's a lot of pressure to succeed in school. Honestly, it's too much. Instead, we should learn more about how to be happy and good people.Many of us don't learn to communicate well in person because we're on the phone so much. This is a real problem and we need help.I think it would be nice to have "cat cafes" that are also cat shelters. This is beautiful for both humans and animals.Alcohol should be very expensive and limited.Let us all have more compassion for each other.In November, we also held an exchange of goods, where we exchanged clothes, books and other useful things. At the end of winter, as part of the Random Acts of Kindness event, we went to the city of Celje, where we gave "free hugs" and made a few people's day better with small acts of help.
MINDFULNESSA series of mindfulness events took place in the form of 6 webinars. These included a theoretical part, practical exercises and a set of questions and answers. Each of them was followed by online content with instructions on how to do it at home and guided meditations. Below is a link to videos.196APDwsKVBt3ZJQRWAwRU5NnGFLIAgoLThe individual workshops were followed by six individual events.Project "CARE"Young people expressed their views, including towards "decision-makers" and in their practical projects (CARE projects). In this way, they experienced how they can make a difference and make a positive impact on their surroundings. All of the "CARE" projects were local projects that supported young people to see how they themselves could help make a difference in the surrounding area. The three projects they launched were:1) Visiting a home for the disabled and sharing a small meal with snacks prepared and baked by them. This event was intended to connect with other marginalized members of society and spend time together. The young people prepared their own snacks for the event to show their gratitude and care. They reported that they had a very pleasant, harmonious and also meaningful time. They were able to better understand what it was like to live with a disability.2) Making a lemonade stand for passersby: As a "random act of kindness," the youths offered free cold homemade lemonade to people who walked past their stall on a hot day. This showed that kindness and care can be a part of every day. They were aware of how this could be a small but very positive gesture for a very large number of people.3) Cleaning up trash in the woods: The youngsters went to the local forest with garbage bags and spent a few hours cleaning up the forest. Their motivation was to show respect for nature together and connect with the forest. It was also a nice social experience because they saw how much they can do when there are a lot of people. In addition, they invited friends, so the project also had an impact on young people outside the project.These were several ways in which the voices and actions of young people became more present in local society.Summer solstice and vernal equinoxAt the middle and end of the project, we hosted a dialogue to which participants from previous workshops were invited. They met with decision-makers and the school leader to discuss ideas and new measures. The aim was to listen to many young voices, create synergies between professionals and young people, and promote new projects and initiatives. The result is also the MOSAIK collection, which contains ideas and opinions of young people for positive change in society and school.
Green Weekend and Earth Day
To learn green skills, apply them, and understand that our environment is worth protecting, we went to a local school for Earth Day and spent the day with schoolchildren (ages 13 to 14). We participated in a variety of activities, from planting herbs and arranging a garden bed to learning about wild food and making dishes from seasonal delicacies. Participants also learned the basic principles of permaculture and a sustainable way of living.
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